crunch tool in kali linux|
Crunch tool is very important tool for creating possible word list of any passwords. Crunch tool is free in KALI Linux. In this tool is mostly used by hackers for creating word list and save in any file, after the save possible world list, hackers performs dictionary attacks by the help of dictionary file which is created. After performing dictionary attacks password will be recovered.
For installation of crunch tool in kali Linux open your terminal and type
Sudo apt install crunch and press enter
after the installation of this tool you can perform following steps .
Create custom character set of password
crunch 3 5 abcdefgh123 -o word list.txt and press enter
The custom character password word list is crated after the above command used .
In this command 3 is the minimum length of password, 5 is maximum length of password and abcdefgh123 is set of characters which is used for creating password , -o is used for output file where all possible world list password combination is save.
Create character wise pattern set
crunch 7 7 -t amit%%% -o word list.txt and press enter
Above command 7 7 is indicate the combination of minimum and maximum password length
-t is indicate the set of password which is you want to recover where amit is known but last 3 figure value is not known. For the last 3 figure is %%% is indicated.
8 character password combination of capital latter,small latter and figure
Use crunch 8 8 -t ,@@@1991 -d 1@ -o wordlist.txt and press enter
, is indicate the first capital latter value of password which is not known
@ is indicate the small latter of password which is not know
1991 is the last four parts of password which is known
-d 1@ is used for duplicate 1 small latter
For special symbols type password
Type crunch 7 7 -t amit^^^ and press enter
^ is used for symbol which is not known
Mobile number password Recovered
Many people using mobile number for password. If you want to recover Mobile number types password use following command
crunch 10 10 -t 9810%%%%%% -o START -c 1000 -o wordlist.txt and press enter
We know the length of mobile number is 10 characters and a person who want to recover mobile number type password he has only first four characters of mobile number is known.
After the above command, I think you can easily create password word list by the help of crunch tool and recover password by dictionary attack.
Types of password attack
There are three types of password attack perform by attackers
Dictionary attacks -
Dictionary attack is old type of attack in this type of attack attacker create a dictionary file and store the common password which is generally used . Dictionary attack perform to get quickly result in the some cases I noticed that attackers attacks a specific target/ person, before performing dictionary attack he want to gather some information about the victim and then create word list according to the information which is gather by attackers. Crunch tool is used for creating dictionary of password
Bruteforce attack:-
It is the best technique of password hacking ,. Hackers hack all possible combinations on many source and then try to hack. Now a days Cain and able tool used for bruteforce attack.
Rainbow table:-
Rainbow table attack contains a large dictionary that contains many pre-calculated passwords and hashes. Hash is a algorithm encryption and all password stored as a hash value. In this, the biggest difference between rainbow and other dictionary attacks is that the rainbow table contains passwords and hashes so that you can crack someone's password.