mysql tutorial "language" "create new useraccount here"
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Mysql is an open source relational database management system developed by orcale corporation, it works on all types of operating systems such as windows and linux, many languages ​​such as C, C++, java, ApI works for perl, php, python and ruby  It is a standard form of SQL structure query language.  It works smoothly and quickly with lots of data sets.  This is a very good language for web development and you do not have to pay any money to use it.

 MySQL data type

 1 numeric data

 In this type of data only numeric value is stored and type of data such as int i.e. integer and its limit is used while creating the field.

 2 string data

 This type of data type is used to store words such as char or varchar and then after setting their limit

 3- date and time data

 For this type of data the date time is to be stored in the format like date and then for date it is seen how to store the data

 4-large object data

 Object data is stored in this object data becomes a place for an object when it is set framework 4.5.2

 2- Microsoft visual C++ studio 2015-19

 3- RAM 4GB

 mysql for beginners

 To use mysql, first open your command prompt and as you know mysql inside the program file of your C drive and then inside MYsql server 8.0 go to the bin folder and open it then go to its properties and its path  Copy and paste it in command prompt and type Cd

 Cd C: -\program Files\MySql\MySql Server8.0\bin

 Such an interface will come and then by entering your user id and password, open Mysql in the command prompt

 mysql database

 As we all know, database means a museum of data, now this data can be of any kind, but this data is under a correct structure format in the database, in which there are some fields and there is information inside these fields.  Database is like a container like a database has many tables and one table has many columns and data is stored in those columns now you must have understood database how to create database in SQL

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 mysql create database

create database test;

command is used where test is the name of the database with the same name we are creating the database

 To see all the databases you have now

 show databases;

 Using the command, this will list all the databases, now to select any database in these list use test;

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We will use the command, in this way we can select any database and work inside it

mysql create table

As we know when the database is created in the database, after that a table has to be created and many fields have to be given to create the table, the data is stored according to the field, so let's see how the table and its field  is made

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mysql example table

create table john(id Int(3), first_name varchar(20), last_name varchar (20), Sex char(1), date_of_birth date);

In the above command, a table named john is being created in which many fields have been given and their data type and its limit have also been given in those fields so that the blueprint of a table can be prepared.


 mysql command line

 create table test.1234(id Int(3), `first name` varchar(20), `last name` varchar (20), Sex char(1), `date of birth` date);

 The table name in the second command is in the form of numbers and the table of numbers cannot be created in SQL, for that it has to first put the name of the database, after that we see that there is no space in the SQL inside the field.  If you want to put space, then it has to be written inside `` which is given in the above command, thus our table is ready, now to see the table created

 Describe john;

 command is used and to view all the tables inside a database

show tables;

We use the command if we want to add or add any other column inside a table then for that

alter table john add email varchar(20) after sex;


alter table john add email varchar(20);


alter table john add email varchar(20) first;

The command is used, in the above three examples, how the column is added, it has been told that if you do not give any location while adding a pen, then it is automatically added to the last.

Drop column

Drop column is used to delete any column inside the table.

mysql insert query

As soon as the tables and columns are created in mysql, after that the data has to be inserted in it and for this the command
insert into john(id, first_name, last_name , sex, date_of_birth) values('1', 'raj', 'sharma', 'm', '07-08-1990'), ('2', 'mohit', 'pandey', 'm', '08-09-1990');

 insert into john values('1', 'raj', 'sharma', 'm', '1990-08-07'), ('2', 'mohit', 'pandey', 'm', '1990-09-08');

Both the above commands are used to insert data, if you want to see the data inside the table, then the command select * from john;  makes use of

Mysql Crate user

User account has to be created inside the database so that it can work and it requires user id and password by default user id root and password is null in sql but if you want to create new user then for that

 mohit@localhost identified by 123456;

 Using the command, mohit is the user id in it and local host is the address of his host, if you use any IP address there, then he can use it in place of local host, then after identified by the password which you can use as your user.  You can fill the password here 123456 has been used, now what privileges have to be given to that user.

 Grant all privileges on *.* to mohit;

 Now in the above command all the privileges have been given to the user, now he can do everything inside the database like drop, create user etc. Now if you want which privilege has been given to a user then for that

 Show grants for mohit;

 You can see how many users are there in a database to see them.

 select user from database.user;


 select user();

 Now if you want to drop a user, then for that you have to

 Drop user mohit@localhost;

 You have to use the command if you have to cost a user to change his password.

 set password for mohit = abcd;

 Use the same command to change a user

 alter user naresh identified by zyada

 using the command

 I hope you have got all the commands and basic knowledge of mySQL

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