In this article I will show you some important PS1 script

What is PS1

adding color and customize the bash prompt ps1

PS1 used to customize your Linux terminal like Kali and termux. Many persons want to customize there PS1 but they can't same due to lack of knowledge about script. But in this article I will provide some important PS1 script which is suitable for you

Bash Color Codes for PS1

Black 0;30

Dark Gray 1;30

Blue 0;34

Light Blue 1;34

Green 0;32

Light Green 1;32

Cyan 0;36

Light Cyan 1;36

Red 0;31

Light Red 1;31

Purple 0;35

Light Purple 1;35

Brown 0;33

Yellow 1;33

Light Gray 0;37

White 1;37

Above codes help you to make PS1 code

Common bash flags used in PS1 

\a = an ASCII bell character (07)
 \d = the date in “Weekday Month Date” format (e.g., “Tue May 26”) 
\e = an ASCII escape character (033) 
\h = the hostname up to the first `.’
 \H =  the hostname 
\n = newline 
\r = carriage return 
\s = the name of the shell, the basename of $0 (the portion following the final slash) 
\t = the current time in 24-hour HH:MM:SS format 
\T = the current time in 12-hour HH:MM:SS format 
\@ =  the current time in 12-hour am/pm format \u =  the username of the current user 
\v=  the version of bash (e.g., 2.00) \V the release of bash, version + patchlevel (e.g., 2.00.0) 
\w = the current working directory 
\W = the basename of the current working direc-tory ! the history number of this command 
# = the command number of this command 
\$ = if the effective UID is 0, a #, otherwise a $ \nnn = the character corresponding to the octal number nnn 
*\* =  a backslash [ begin a sequence of non-printing characters, which could be used to embed a terminal con-trol sequence into the prompt ] end a sequence of non-printing characters

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PS1 script for terminal 

PS1='\[\e[31m\]┌─[\[\e[37m\]\T\[\e[31m\]]──\e[1;93m[termux]\e[0;31m──[\#]\n|\n\e[0;31m└─\e[1;93m\e[0;35m\W\[\e[31m\]]──► \e[1;92m'

PS1='\[\e[31m\]┌─[\[\e[37m\]\T\[\e[31m\]]──\e[1;93m[termux]\e[0;31m──[\#]\n|\n\e[0;31m└─\e[1;93m\e[0;35m\W\[\e[0;32m[Guru]\]]$ \e[1;92m'

PS1='\[\e[31m\]┌─[\[\e[37m\]\T\[\e[31m\]]\e[1;93m[termux]\e[0;31m[\#]\n|\n\e[0;31m└─\e[1;93m\e[0;35m\W\[\e[0;32m[Guru]\]]$ \e[1;92m'

PS1='\[\e[31m\]┌─[\[\e[37m\]\T\[\e[31m\]]\e[1;93m[termux]\e[0;31m[\#]\n|\n\e[0;31m└─\e[1;93m\e[0;35m\W\[\e[1;36m[Guru]\]]$ \e[1;92m'

PS1='\e[01;34m\]└─\[\e[01;32m\]Termux\[\e[01;34m\]_\[\e[01;31m\]Guru\[\e \[\e[01;34m\]#\[\e[01;32m\]'

PS1="\[\e[32m\][\[\e[m\][\e[31m\] termux [\e[m\][\e[33m\]@\[\e[m\]\[\e[32m\]guru[\e[m\]:\[\e[36m\]\w\[\e[m\]\[\e[32m\]]\[\e[m\]\[\e[32;47m\]\\$\[\e[m\]"

I hope you will like this post and use above script for your terminal 

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